Back in the woods, Baki saw Minato and Nawaki use these kunai but had yet to figure out their purpose. Deciding that he would test the waters, he reached into his pouch and pulled out a small metal cylinder that fit into the palm of his hand. It resembled the hand of a sword. He even held it like one.
As if the two had reached an agreement, they charged towards each other. As they approached each other, Minato threw a few more kunai into the ground. When they came up to each other, Minato tried to slash him with the kunai. Suddenly, he felt something was off so he disappeared in a flash.
He reappeared at one of the kunai on the ground. Upon further inspection, his suspicions were confirmed. He looked at Baki and said, "That is a very interesting use of wind chakra. I probably would have gone down in one hit if I wasn't so fast."
Baki smiled. He realized two things. First, he figured out that the purpose of the kunai were teleportation markers. Second, he now understood that this would be a challenging fight. He knew he could win but it would not be easy. He then said, "I have to compliment you as well. That is a clever use of kunai. Shall we continue?"
The two looked to each other and grinned before nodding. They were having fun. Again, they charged at each other and Minato threw two more kunai, they zipped past Baki's head. As they did, Minato suddenly stopped and jumped. As he entered the air, he spun and began to kick.
Seeing this, Baki rushed him to take advantage of his immobility in the air. However, Minato appeared in a flash behind Baki and the seemingly random spinning kick connected with his back. He was knocked several feet forwards from being struck. As Baki landed, he coughed up some blood before standing up and wiping his face on his sleeve.
Even thought Baki had figured out how the kunai worked, he couldn't figure out how to counter it. Suddenly he weaved a few hand signs and said, "Futon: Toppa" (Breakthrough). The wind release jutsu covered a wide area and there was no place to take cover.
Realizing this, Minato blurred through some hand signs and said, "Doton: Doryuheki" (Mud Wall). A wall of rock emerged from the ground just in time to shield him from the strong wind. The wall got chipped and cracked a bit from the insane amount of force.
Behind the mud wall, Minato did another set of hand signs. He bit his thumb, smeared the blood on his hand and slammed it into the ground while saying, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" (Summoning). Suddenly, a huge puff of smoke emerged from the other side of the mud wall. When it cleared, a huge toad standing at about 12 feet tall was revealed. Minato was standing on top of it.
The road was red in color with dark red markings covering his body. He had a large scar running through his left eye and had a pipe in his mouth. On his hip was a large katana. He looked up and said in a deep, raspy voice, "Well this is a nice change of pace. Usually it's only that pervy sage that summons me."
Hearing this, Minato laughed and replied, "Oh Gamabunta, you know he means well." The toad scoffed and replied, "Eh, we'll see about that one. Anyways, what can I do for ya."
Minato smirked and said, "It was getting a bit chilly in here. I was thinking about heating things up!" Gamabunta then said, "You are right, it is a bit cold. May I do the honors?" Minato jokingly bowed and said, "After you."
Gamabunta's stomach began to expand as he said, "Gamayudan" (Toad Oil Bomb). As oil exploded out of the toads mouth, Minato threw two kunai on either side of Baki before weaving through some signs and saying, "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu" (Fireball). The fire ignited the oil and a huge ball of fire shot towards Baki.
Without thinking, Baki quickly evaded the attack. However, the moment he cleared the attack, Minato's kunai flew past him. As he saw the kunai, he knew the match was over. In a flash, Minato teleported to the kunai, kicked Baki straight into the ground, and then landed on him with a kunai pressed to his neck.
Accepting the loss, Baki said, "I give up." Minato released Baki from his hold and stood up. It was a good fight. Both fighters displayed some impressive abilities but Baki got outplayed. Minato offered his hand. See this, Baki smiled before saying, "I hope the day never comes where we have to meet on the battlefield." Minato smiled upon hearing this and replied, "I feel the same way. I really don't like war." The two continued to chat as they walked over to the stands.
Koryu then stepped up and said, "The winner of the first match is Minato. Now, let's see who's up next." Everyone turned their attention back to the display. The next names popped up on the screen. Seeing this, Koryu said, "Would Akimichi Choza and Hoshigaki Kisame please come down?"
Nawaki sighed. Choza was definitely strong. There is no doubt about that. But Kisame is a monster in every sense of the word. He even looks like one. The only thing he was missing is Samehada. This one should be a wash.
The two fighters got into the arena and took their stance. Koryu called out and said, "Ready, fight!" As soon as he said that, Choza knew his one chance to win the fight was right now. He then slammed both palms together and yelled, "Nin po: Baika no Jutsu" (Body Expansion). Once he grew to full size, he towered at 16 feet tall.
Without hesitation, he tucked into a ball and yelled, "Nin po: Nikudan Sensha" (Human Boulder). Spinning rapidly, he barreled towards Kisame at high speed. After colliding with him Choza released the expansion and looked back to see a splash of water on the floor. The Kisame he took out was a water clone.
Suddenly, Kisame slowly rose out of a puddle on the ground near by. Getting into the infamous position with two fingers raised against his chest and the other hand straight above his head with two fingers also raised, he said, "Kirigakure no Jutsu" (Hidden Mist). The arena was shrouded in a thick fog obstructing everyone's view.
Kisame is an He may be displayed as a tank that could steam roll almost anyone, but his specialty is More specifically, the silent killing technique. He called out from the fog, "Tree hugger, I suggest you give up now. I don't want to kill you by accident."
Choza turned to his right where the voice came from. Then from behind him, "Last chance." Choza took a defensive stance and prepared for Kisame's attack.
After about a minute, the fog cleared to reveal Kisame holding a sword against his shoulder. He had one foot resting on Choza's back and the other on the ground. Choza had been cut all over and seemed to be taken out with a blunt blow to the back of the head. The match was over as soon as it started.
Koryu stepped forward and said, "The winner of the match is Kisame." As he said this a team of medics rushed into the field and carried Choza off to treat his injuries. Kisame also headed back to the stands to join his two teammates. Koryu continued, "Moving on to the next match…"
Back to the display. Who would be next. Well turns out, the next few matches were pretty boring. Itsuki got bodied by Mei, Hizashi outcla.s.sed Ao, Hiashi dunked on Inoichi, and Shikaku got clapped by Rasa.
After watching several iterations of one opponent wiping the floor with the other, another good finally presented itself. Koryu called out, "Uchiha Fugaku and Aburame Shibi please come down."
This one would be very interesting. Despite it seeming that the Uchiha would win simply by using a fire style and deleting the bugs, this would be different. Shibi was the pride of the Aburame clan. He was a never seen before prodigy. The way he controls is insects is on another level.
The two Konoha genin stood opposite each other. As the fight started, they looked to each other and nodded. Fugaku and Shibi walked up to each other, formed the unison sign, and then walked away. Hiruzen smiled when he saw this. It warmed his heart to see his ninja be so sportsmanlike.
The two fighters returned to their positions and stood at the ready. Suddenly, Fugaku reached for his shoulder and plucked a bug off of it. He crushed it in his hand and scoffed at Shibi. Fugaku immediately started weaving hand signs before saying, "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu" (Fireball). A huge fireball raged towards Shibi.
As it approached him, he dissolved in a swarm of bugs and rematerialized off to the side. Seeing this, Fugaku charged in towards Shibi. In terms of taijutsu, Fugaku was worlds ahead of Shibi. He quickly took the advantage and was pushing Shibi back.
Suddenly, a huge wave of insects rose behind Fugaku. As it crashed on him, he started weaving hand signs as he flickered to the side and shot off another fireball. The bugs were all burnt to a crisp. Shibi hesitated for a moment trying to process the great loss he just experienced.
In that moment of hesitation, Fugaku got behind Shibi and held a kunai to his neck. The match was over. The two genin faced each other and formed the sign of reconciliation. As they walked back to the stands, Koryu said, "The winner of this match is Fugaku. Would the last two partic.i.p.ants please come down."
All that remained were Nawaki and Sasori. Both of them monsters in their own way. Most would be unlucky to be up against either of these two. It would be a clash of t.i.tans.
The two genin eyed each other as they entered the arena. They stood at the ready. Sasori opened a scroll and placed it on the ground. Koryu then said, "Ready, fight!"
Sasori performed a summoning using the scroll and revealed a humanoid puppet. Without hesitation, he sent it straight for Nawaki. With one punch, Nawaki shattered the puppet. The parts scattered all over the ground.
Nawaki knew that Sasori was just testing him. He knew what Sasori was truly capable of. Sasori smiled. He was up for the challenge. Performing another summoning, he wielded two puppets. One male, and one female. These were the infamous mother and father puppets.
Each pupped raised an arm and charged towards Nawaki. On closer inspection he noticed a poison coated strip of razor wire connected the two puppets. Nawaki unsheathed his sword. He swung downwards and cut the wire.
It was an interesting sight. This small six year old swinging this huge long sword. The best part was that he made it look effortless. His sage mode made the sword feel as light as a feather. It was the perfect weapon for him.
The puppets turned and revealed poison coated dagged sticking out from their wrists. They charged at Nawaki. Using his boosted strength and speed, he skillfully parried each and every strike the puppets made.
After a few minutes of this, the puppets flew backwards and stood on either side of Nawaki. Their jaws hinged open. Nawaki knew what was about to happen. He quickly weaved some hand signs and said, "Mokuton: Mokujoheki" (Wood Dome). As soon as the dome formed around him, a barrage of poison coated senbon shot out of the two puppets. They continued firing for about 30 seconds and then stopped.
One of the puppets then flipped its arm open to reveal a saw. It approached the wooden dome and started cutting into it. Wood chips flew everywhere as the dome was shredded. As the puppet was about to break through, the backside of the dome exploded and Nawaki came running out. Sasori looked at Nawaki and noticed that the markings from earlier had disappeared.
Sasori then said, "It seems you are out of time. I guess that ability ran out. Time to end this." Nawaki smirked and then said, "You are right about one thing. This match is over." As he finished speaking, Sasori was pulled into the ground. Only his head remained above the surface as Nawaki emerged from the earth. He pulled out a kunai and held it to Sasori's head.
Sasori then said, "Well played. I give up." The match was now over. Nawaki reached down and pulled Sasori out of the ground. They shook hands and walked back up towards the stands. Koryu called out and then said, "The winner of the last match is Nawaki. Now, I'm going to hand it over to the proctor for the finals."
In a swirl of leaves, a woman appeared. She said, "My name is Utatane Koharu. I will be overseeing the finals. They will work the same way as the preliminaries with one key difference. Killing is not allowed. There will be spectators there and that would just not look good. If you kill your opponent, you will be disqualified and barred from taking the chunin exams again. If everyone understands, I will now announce the tournament brackets. Going from left to right, Terumi Mei vs Rasa, Uchiha Fugaku vs Hyuga Hiashi, Hoshigaki Kisame vs Senju Nawaki, and Namikaze Minato vs Hyuga Hizashi. You all have one month to recover and prepare for the tournament. Representatives from the different lands will be present so be sure to put on a good show. You are dismissed until then."