It had been a week since the meeting between Uzushio and Konoha and the merge was progressing slowly. Four days after the meeting, the Uzumaki clan started to set up their new grounds. They employed an army of workers to clear the trees. Gradually, they unsealed their structures and prepared them for their clan's arrival.
Over the next few weeks, every available Konoha and Uzushio ninja was tasked with escorting the civilians as they made the journey between the two villages. Every few hours, a pool of red heads could be seen entering the village gates.
In all, the process took the better part of a month. A few people remained in Uzushio but the majority had relocated to Konoha. Once everyone that was expected had made it to Konoha, Ashina retired. His last action as Uzukage was to eliminate the position and finalize the merge. Everyone was relieved that it was over.
The morning after it was finally over, Nawaki woke up. It was a beautiful day. The Senju grounds were peaceful. Similar to the forests surrounding the village, the trees were glowing with vibrant colors. The wild animals scurried around gathering food for the coming winter.
Nawaki slowly opened his eyes. He was woken up by the sun bleeding into his bedroom. He sat up in bed and stretched his arms. He had been home for a few days but he still could not be happier to sleep in his own bed.
Nawaki rolled out of bed and stood up. He slowly walked over to the mirror and stood before it. He scanned his reflection. He smiled and flexed his arms while puffing out his chest.
Kensho then said, "What in G.o.d's name are you doing?" Nawaki laughed and said, "Just checking myself out. Am I not allowed to do that?"
Kensho chuckled and then said, "You still look like a complete idiot." Nawaki and Kensho laughed together. Nawaki then put on a shirt and went to make breakfast.
He made some eggs, toast, and tea. After eating his fill, he returned to his room to get ready for the day. He washed up, got dressed, and put on his ninja gear.
Nawaki decided that he would go and visit Hiruzen. The Hokage was nowhere to be seen since the merge had picked up. Nawaki made his way through the village and arrived at Hiruzen's office.
He knocked and a defeated voice called out, "Come in." Nawaki opened the door and walked in. He did not see Hiruzen anywhere. He then said, "Hokage sama, where are you? I can't see you."
In a cartoon like fashion, Hiruzen peaked his head out from behind a tower of paperwork. Nawaki laughed and said, "You look awful. Have you done anything aside from paperwork?"
Hiruzen sighed and said, "It has been THREE days since I've been home. I can't do this s.h.i.t anymore. Sign this, review that. I'm too young for this."
Nawaki knew that this was probably happening. After hearing it himself, he decided to help. He then said, "Hokage sama, why do you have to do all of this work by yourself? I thought that the Hokage was supposed to lead the village and not a desk slave."
Hiruzen sighed and said, "I know, I know. I agree with you on that too. I yearn for the days when I could go out on missions. I just don't know what to do."
Nawaki thought for a moment and then said, "Then why don't you get some help? I doubt that every single doc.u.ment that you handle requires your attention. Get a secretary or have anything that can be handled without you go to the civilian council."
Hiruzen scrunched his face in thought. He then said, "Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks Nawaki. So what did you need me for?"
Nawaki then said, "Well, ever since Obaa San pa.s.sed, my team has not had anyone to learn fuinjutsu from. I was wondering if you could find someone to teach us."
Hiruzen then smiled and said, "Well that is convenient. According to my schedule, a certain someone that would fulfill your needs will be here to meet with me. He should be here any minute."
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Hiruzen then said, "Come in." The door opened and Ashina entered the room. Nawaki's eyes lit up with excitement.
Seeing his cousin, Ashina said, "Nawaki chan, it's good to see you. I've been meaning to come by your home to visit Toka."
Nawaki then said, "It's good to see you too. Family is always welcome for a visit." He then looked to Hiruzen with pleading eyes.
Hiruzen then turned to Ashina and said, "I have a request of you. Nawaki and his team are in need of a fuinjutsu instructor. Would you be willing to do it?"
Ashina smiled and said, "It would be my pleasure. Retirement is quite boring so I would welcome some excitement in my life."
Nawaki was very happy. He let on a huge smile and said, "Thank you so much Ashina sensei. I look forward to learning with you." He bowed and Ashina said, "We will start tomorrow afternoon. See you then."
Nawaki replied, "Hai sensei." He then quickly ran out of the office. Seeing this, the two men laughed. Hiruzen then said, "Well, let's get down to business, old friend."
Nawaki flew through the Hokage mansion and exploded down the street. He ran as fast as he could towards the Uchiha quarters.
He arrived at Fugaku's house and told him the news. Fugaku was just as excited. The two then raced out of the house and went to tell Minato about the news.
They rushed over to his house but he was not there. After talking to his mother, they found out that he was in town. Nawaki closed his eyes for a moment and scanned for Minato's chakra.
After about a minute, he found it. Minato was walking with someone. Nawaki focused on the chakra that was next to Minato. It felt ma.s.sive and sinister. On closer inspection, he realized that there were two chakras in the same spot.
Nawaki then thought to himself, 'Oh yeah, that must be Kushina. I'm probably feeling Kurama's chakra.' He then turned to Fugaku and said, "I found him. Follow me!"
They took off and jumped across the buildings. Once they got close, the two stopped and watched. Minato was out with Kushina. The two stalkers turned to each other and grinned.
Minato and Kushina were adorable together. They looked like they were meant for each other. As they walked, Kushina suddenly grabbed Minato's arm and pulled him into the park. They ran and ran but stopped at a tree next to a lake. The two laid down under it and watched the clouds.
It was a beautiful day. Large, white clouds floated through the sky occasionally covering the sun. There was a slight breeze that formed ripples on the water surface. The scene could only be described as complete tranquility.
While the couple zoned out as they gazed upon the sky, Fugaku and Nawaki made their move. They covertly made their approach. As Minato's best friends, it was their duty to mess with him.
Noticing that the couple was distracted, Nawaki threw a kunai into the tree above them. Before it could make a noise by hitting the branch, he teleported himself and Fugaku into the tree as he caught the kunai.
The two looked at each other and made an evil smile. Then, in the deepest voice he could muster up, he said, "WHO DARES LAY ON THE GROUND BENEATH ME?"
Minato and Kushina both jumped in surprise. Minato then looked up and said, "Very funny guys." Nawaki and Fugaku jumped down from the tree laughing hysterically. They were satisfied with their shenanigans. An annoyed Minato then said, "What do you guys want?"
Nawaki grinned and said, "I just wanted to tell you that we have a fuinjutsu teacher. We are starting tomorrow afternoon with Ashina sensei." Minato's face lit up at the news. The three of them had been yearning to become fuinjutsu masters. This was the perfect opportunity.
They decided to celebrate the news with a dinner at Yakiniku Q. Aside from the three of them, Kushina, Mikoto, and Sara joined the group. After they all ate, the three gentlemen accompanied their ladies home. When Nawaki and Sara arrived at her home, they said goodnight to each other.
As Nawaki turned to leave, Sara rushed him and turned him around. As she did, she gave him a tight hug. It felt good. It felt natural. Nawaki blushed as he hugged her back. After releasing each other he said, "That was… nice."
Sara smiled as she looked around and said, "Yeah. See ya!" She then quickly went inside her house and closed the door. Nawaki was stunned. He was not expecting the hug but he could not say that he did not enjoy it. He then smiled as he turned and headed home.
Nawaki got into bed that night but couldn't sleep. Even though he doesn't need to sleep, he still enjoys it. It is refreshing and is like a reset b.u.t.ton on his mind. Rather than try to sleep, he decided that he would meditate and improve his chakra control. He tried to clear his head but he couldn't. He was far too excited. The next day, he would resume his fuinjutsu training and he could not wait.