For the front, Uchiha Koryu would be the commanding officer. Due to the dense forests and jungles, a lot of sensory capable ninja were a.s.signed there. In addition, Nawaki, Minato, and Fugaku would be there as well. The primary location for these battles was expected to be the Land of Bears.
At the Kiri front, Uzumaki Ashina would lead Konoha's forces. He was chosen due to the expectation that the battles would take place in the Land of Whirlpools and the Land of Waves. Various clans' ninjas were selected to join him that could combat the use of water release jutsu and the hidden mist jutsu.
On the Suna front, Hatake was the commanding officer. His skills were needed to counter the elites of Suna. His forces consisted of many Uchiha and Sarutobi clan members due to fire release being effective against wind release. Their battles were predicted to happen in the Land of Rivers.
Lastly, the Iwa front was led by Sarutobi Biwako. She was joined by most of the Senju clan as well as Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru. Most of their battles were expected to take place in the Land of Rain.
For the entirety of the war, the clan heads would remain in the village unless dire circ.u.mstances arose. The same went for the Hokage and a few other high ranking jonin.
After receiving their orders, all of the forces that were being deployed had to depart the next morning. It was crucial to quickly set up the defensive and offensive lines in advantageous positions. There was also the matter of constructing forts and temporary housing for the army.
It was the last night that many families would be together for G.o.d only knows how long. The village was silent as everyone spent the last moments they could with their loved ones. No one was guaranteed to come back so there were countless heartfelt goodbyes.
In the Senju estate, Toka and her two children sat down to enjoy one final meal as a family. Toka turned to her children and said, "You two need to promise to not do anything reckless. If either of you die out there, I'll kill you."
Tsunade and Nawaki laughed. Tsunade then said, "Okaa san, you don't have to worry. Firstly, Nawaki and I are both medical ninja. That means that a lot of the time, we will be treating the wounded. The other reason is that if anyone comes at us, we can kick their a.s.s no matter who it is!" She threw a few punches in the air as she said it and they all laughed.
Nawaki grinned and stood up. He flexed his arms and said, "Yeah mom. isn't gonna know what hit them. I'm gonna be a legend!" His antics made his family laugh before they continued eating. As they finished, tears started to roll down Toka's face.
Seeing this, the two siblings made eye contact and nodded. They both got up and walked over to their mother. They wrapped their arms around her as they embraced each other in a group hug. Toka's tears slowly stopped as she let on a smile.
She lifted her head, placed a hand on the side of each of her children's heads, and gave them each a long kiss on the head. Toka wrapped her arms around her two amazing children and just basked in the warmth and comfort that rolled off of them. She was in bliss. In this moment, she prayed to whatever was listening that she would be able to relive this moment again once the war concluded.
After the moment ended, the three Senjus cleaned up and headed to bed. While Nawaki was sitting on his bed, there was a knock at his door. He said, "Come in."
The door slowly opened revealing a worried Tsunade. She walked over and sat next to him on his bed. She turned to him and said, "I know that you're not just gonna be sitting in the back lines treating the wounded. You know that too."
Nawaki frowned. He wanted to avoid this topic. All he wished for was one last night where he wouldn't have to worry about the war. As the thought of the battles that would come entered his mind, he recalled the first time he took someone's life.
Even though it was in defence of his comrades, he still dreaded the feeling it brought him. As he took the man's last breath, he felt extreme guilt. In a flash, he thought of the family and friends he just took the man from. He thought of the limitless possibilities of all the good and bad that the man's future could have held.
In that instant, he made a vow. He promised to dedicate his life to finding the solution. To stop the senseless bloodshed. The endless cycle of hate that plagues this world. He had found his ninja way, his purpose. He would stop at nothing to carry on his grandfather's and his sensei's legacy.
Nawaki now wore a face riddled with sadness and fear. He took a deep breath, found his resolve and turned to Tsunade. He then said, "Onee chan, I have taken many lives throughout this short existence of mine. Each time I witness my enemy's final breath, I am overcome with remorse. I feel for their family, their friends, their village. All those who lose a piece of themselves as that person departs the mortal plane. I have come to terms with the kill or be killed nature of this world." Tsunade was silent as he spoke. She was in awe from the wisdom her little brother was projecting.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let out the breath in a loud exhale and continued, "Through each life taken, my purpose, my ninja way is reinforced. I feel more and more responsibility to end this plague. This cycle of hate must stop and I have made it my life's mission. I am willing to die for this cause. I am not afraid to fall in battle. For if I fall, my actions will nurture the growth of new leaves, new generations. In a way, my death would not be the end of me. My cause will be everlasting as the budding leaves go out into the world and continue my quest to find the way. That is my Will of Fire, my ninja way, and my sole purpose in this world."
Tsunade broke down in tears as he finished speaking. The power that came from those words was overwhelming. Nawaki leaned over and hugged his sister saying, "Everything will be okay. You are strong. You just have to show it. Our clan will look to you as their leader. I know you can do it. I know that you'll inspire unimaginable strength in your comrades. I love you."
Tsunade continued to sob. Through her crying she uttered, "Thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better brother." After a few minutes, her tears dried up and she said, "I'm okay now. Let's get some sleep."
She turned her head and gave Nawaki a kiss on the cheek. They released each other from the embrace. She then stood up and left the room saying, "Goodnight. Stay safe out there."
Nawaki smiled and said, "You too Onee chan." She closed the door and headed to bed. As the door closed, Nawaki sighed and fell back onto his pillow. He could only imagine what horrors waited for him in the war.
Kensho appeared and said, "You are ready Nawaki kun. Koryu will take good care of you out there. The best part is that you'll be in your element. No one will be able to take you down in a battlefield filled with trees. We will be okay."
Nawaki smiled and said, "Thank Kensho. You've been there for me the whole time I have been in this world. I wish I had a way to thank you." Kensho laughed and said, "Don't you worry about that at all. You have kept me thoroughly entertained. Quite the show if you will. Anyways, get some sleep tonight. You won't be able to get much for a long time." Nawaki closed his eyes and said, "Okay. Goodnight."
The next morning was gloomy. A dense cloud cover held back the sun. The ground grew damp as a light rain fell from the heavens. The snow faded away as it was consumed by the rain. Stepping outside, the cold air bit at the skin as the rain poured down.
That morning was a blur. Nawaki woke up to his mother kissing his forehead before heading out to oversee the deployment. Tsunade had left before he woke up. The ninja heading to the Iwa front headed out first so she had to join them.
Hearing the front door close, Nawaki sighed. He sat up and turned, dropping his feet to the floor. Slowly standing up, he dragged his feet to the bathroom to enjoy one last shower. After turning on the water, he stood in front of the mirror. As it heated up, he gazed upon his reflection. He bent over, turned on the cold water in the sink, and washed his face.
With reality sinking in, Nawaki stood back up and felt fully awake. He pulled off his pants and underwear and entered the shower. As he stood in the running water, motionless, he enjoyed the serenity. The relaxation that was brought on by the hot water flowing over his body.
Nawaki finished his shower and dried off. After making his way back to his room, he went over his mental checklist. After some thought, he decided to pack some extra sets of clothing. Then he got dressed. Dropping his towel to the floor, he pulled on his clothing.
He then turned to his dresser. He reached over and picked up Hashirama's necklace. Closing his eyes, he resolved himself and put it on. Lastly, he stored various scrolls filled with spare weapons and maintenance tools, pouches filled with food pills, and plenty of water into his inventory. Keeping a few of the scrolls and pouches, he packed them into his flak jacket and put it on.
Once he zipped it up he opened his closet. He grabbed the scabbard with Hashirama's sword and strapped it to his back. He was still not tall enough to wear it on his waist. Grabbing his Konoha forehead protector, he stood in front of his mirror and put it on. He was ready.
Nawaki closed his bedroom door and exited his house. Standing on the porch, he looked out over the Senju grounds. He soaked in the sight. It would be without him for a long time. He took a deep breath and checked his watch. There was thirty minutes until he had to depart.
Without any thought, he knew what to do. Rather than teleporting there, he decided that he would enjoy one last stroll through the streets of Konoha. He made his way out of the grounds and walked down the streets. The streets were littered with families saying their goodbyes.
Navigating through the crowds, he kept on. Finally, he had arrived. He entered the gates and slowed his pace. Once he had reached his destination, he partially unzipped his flak jacket and gripped his necklace.
Nawaki was standing over Hashirama's grave. He then said, "Oji sama, I am heading off to war now. I ask that you watch over Okaa san and Onee chan and keep them safe. Please grant me your strength and your Will of Fire as I confront these battles. I will honor your memory."
A single tear broke through. It crept down Nawaki's face and reached his jaw line. The tear fell to the ground. As it fell, there was a flash. By the time it hit the ground, he was gone.
Nawaki reappeared near the village gates. He found Minato and Fugaku talking with Koryu. He joined them and they talked for a few more minutes. At last, it was time.
Koryu turned to his men and yelled, "Today we start our journey. Resolve yourselves as you prepare for the coming struggles. This will not be easy. It never is. Think about what or who you are fighting for. Clear your minds as we prepare to defend our village, our country. I will have your back and I expect the same in return. Look around you. These are your brothers. As brothers, protect each other and overcome any challenge that lies in wait. Now, move out!"
All of the ninja cheered once they heard their commanders resolve. He had instilled a strength in them that only comes from a strong leader. After the cheers died down, they departed. The ma.s.sive crowd of ninja took off through the gates and headed to the northeast.
The journey to the defensive line would take 4 days. While the offensive line and battlefield would be in the Land of Bears, the defensive line would be set up near the border of the Land of Whirlpools.
Unfortunately, the rain refused to let up. The group was soaked. Each night, they had to squeeze the water out of their clothing before settling in. Everyone made the best of the journey but no one enjoyed it in the slightest.
Normally, the scenery would be quite beautiful. The clouds and rain took away from the view. The flooded hills, the endless darkness, it ate away at the morale of the group.
Finally, they reached a vast clearing near the border of the Land of Whirlpools. It was late in the day and the already scarce amount of light faded into darkness. The group stopped and got to work on setting up their base of operations.
Nawaki took this chance and showed off. He used his wood release to create buildings for the command center, medical corps, and intelligence corps. Once the setup was complete, tents and wooden buildings dotted the area. Koryu then summoned all of the jonin to the command center.
Koryu stood before his men and said, "Thank you all for coming. Each of you here today will play an important part in leading our forces. Our first order of business will be to sort out our resources. We must take inventory of all supplies and establish our supply routes. I also need a report on all the ninja available and their specializations. Let's ge…"
Before he could finish, a ninja from the intelligence corps ran through the door and yelled, "THIS JUST CAME IN! FIGHTING HAS BEGUN ON THE SUNA FRONT! THE WAR HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!"