As if it was intentional, Kensho interjected suddenly, "Would you like me to go over the current capabilities that I can offer? There are also a few capabilities that will unlock soon that I can tell you about. Any locked functions past that are a secret hehehe." 'Oh you have quite the att.i.tude, don't you know.' Nawaki thought as he got annoyed. 'Can you tell me about it later when I am alone? Especially if some things pop up, I don't want to startle my new family.' Kensho then replied, "Hmph, alright. Suit yourself."
It felt like an eternity before Nawaki and his family went home. Between check ups by the nurse, close friends visiting and meeting baby Nawaki, and plenty of spoiling from Mito, there was plenty that kept them held up. On the way to the Senju Estate, Nawaki managed to gather some information regarding current events. As it stands right now, Senju Tobirama is the Second Hokage, the First Great War is raging, Hashirama recently died, Mito is getting into her later years, and Tsunade is about to enter the academy. Tsunade is currently 4 years old.
As the group was walking down the street, Nawaki noticed that they made a sudden turn. He looked around and thought, 'Huh? Why are we walking through a park?' There was a sprawling gra.s.s field surrounded by a stone brick wall that had emblems on it representing the Senju Clan. There were beautiful trees, beds of colorful flowers, large ponds with long wooden docks, and wild animals roaming throughout it. As they walked, Toka looked down to him and said, "Welcome home Nawaki." She smiled as Nawaki looked back at her with a confused and adorable face. He turned his head forward and his eyes widened as he looked at the huge estate that lay before him. 'No… way… This is my house?' he thought. 'I know that the Senju were one of the founding members of Konoha but I didn't know that we would still have this much money! This is great!' Kensho then cut in, "Yes, this is our house now. It is a gorgeous estate. Even greater than what I imagined. Too bad it is supposed to be lost after the demise of the Senju Clan." Nawaki thought for a second and then resolved himself, 'Well, sounds like I've got work to do. Changes must be made!'
Toka carried Nawaki inside. Aside from Tetsuya and Toka, everyone else dispersed to do their business. They carried Nawaki to his bedroom and placed him into a crib. It looked roughly constructed but was finished with much effort. Almost as if it was hand made in a way. There was a soft cushion in the crib that was very comfortable. Nawaki seemingly went to sleep instantly. For a few minutes, Toka and Tetsuya admired their sleeping newborn child, before leaving to cook dinner.
After they left, Nawaki opened his eyes and managed to show a small smile. 'Looks like I lucked out in terms of family and money. Seems like my mom is the current clan head so that's pretty cool. I'll definitely get some advantages from that. Now that I'm alone, it's time. Kensho, show me what you can do.' Nawaki thought. "Alright, so technically, I can't do anything at the moment. But I do have this super duper special awesome fantastic mystery box that you can open." Kensho said. Nawaki thought in response, ''Were all of those words really needed?' Kensho laughed and said, "Well, I felt like I needed to make it exciting? Anyways, think of it like a starter pack. I really think you should open it quickly. You'll be happy you diiiiid!" Nawaki thought for a moment and then replied, 'Alright, open it.' As he said that, a few notifications appeared in the top right corner of his vision.
*Congratulations on opening your starter pack*
*Function Unlocked: Status*
*Function Unlocked: Inventory*
*Function Unlocked: Perks List*
*Function Unlocked: Skills List*
*Function Unlocked: Jutsu List*
*1 Sage Token Obtained*
Noticing that Nawaki was a very confused, Kensho chimed in. "Alright, let me explain what those mean. Status allows you to see how you are currently doing. You can see various metrics that will rate your current abilities. Moving on, inventory is an inventory. Anyone could figure that out ha!. Perks are various abilities that you have. You are able to develop them over time through usage. They will help you in various circ.u.mstances. Skills are kind of like professions. Some skills include cooking, maintenance, forging, kenjutsu which is sword stuff, fuinjutsu which is sealing, stealth, and elemental proficiency. Lastly, jutsu list is a jutsu list. Any questions?"
As Nawaki absorbed all the information that he was just told, two questions came to mind. 'Kensho, do I currently have any abilities in the lists? And also, what is the Sage Token?' After a moment, Kensho replied saying, "Currently, the only item in those lists is a skill. That skill, which I gave to you earlier, is j.a.panese. You possess a skill level of Mastery for that. As for the sage coin, you can exchange it for various things. You can also save it. To view what you can exchange it for, you first need to unlock the Shop." Nawaki immediately thought, "Sooooo, how do I unlock the shop?" Kensho chuckled before saying, "Hmmmm, not sure. I'll let you figure that one out!" Some time went by while Nawaki thought about how to unlock the shop.
Following his thinking, he thought to Kensho, 'I can only think of one possibility. I want to spend the Sage Token.' As he finished that thought, a notification appeared.
*Function Unlocked: Shop*
Kensho laughed at Nawaki and said, "Took ya long enough eh?" Nawaki got annoyed with this and thought, 'You really enjoy messing with me. Whatever, open the shop. I want to see what I can get.' Suddenly, a person appeared in the top left corner of his vision. Kensho then said, "Oh come on, I gotta have fun with this too! And I just realized, I can do this. Hi Nawaki. Such a cute little baby, aren't ya?" The person was talking at the same time as Kensho, was waving, and then started making funny faces that one would make towards a baby. Nawaki looked at this and frustratedly thought, 'Ughh, even though I am starting to find you quite annoying, at least I'll have someone to talk to when I'm alone. But come on, can you get on with the explanation?' Kensho laughed again and then said, "Okay, okay, fine. So the shop can be viewed at any time but can only be purchased from when you acquire a Sage Token. They are quite rare so make sure you use them wisely. As for the shop, you can get unique perks that can't be acquired through training, you can gain affinity towards various element, you can acquire a random jutsu, weapon, armor, kenjutsu, taijutsu, sealing, or artifact scroll, or you can purchase an experience token which can rank up a skill or perk. I will tell you, however, that some perks can not be leveled up since they do not have varying levels of proficiency. Shall I open the shop?" Nawaki made his response almost immediately, 'Uhhh, yeah. Of course you should open the shop!' Kensho then responded saying, "Okay, you got it bud."
Suddenly, something resembling an overlay appeared over the center of Nawaki's vision. Looking through it he saw various things. At the top right of the window, his balance of 1 Sage Token was shown. The icon shown next to the balance was a token with a golden border, a black face, and a single golden tomoe in the middle. Below that top bar, a list presented itself. Going down the list, there were several options. As per Kensho's explanation, the items included the following:
Unique Perk: Insomnia - This is a unique perk that is available due to bloodline characteristics. Allows pa.s.sive regeneration of stamina and chakra outside of combat via absorption of nature energy. This does not boost healing. The user can still sleep but it would no longer be a necessity. Meditation will also increase the absorption rate and allow the user to rest their mind.Unique Perk: Chakra Beast - This is a generic perk that will boost the chakra reserves of the user. This does not affect anything other than capacity.Unique Perk: Sensor Boost - This is a generic perk that will boost the range and accuracy of sensor capabilities for the user. It also provides pa.s.sive sensing in a short range as well as a reduced chakra consumption rate of active sensing techniques.Special Item: Experience Token - This is an item. It will be deposited into the user's inventory. Upon expenditure, the user can select a perk or skill to be ranked up by one level of proficiency.
After scanning through the list, Nawaki thought to Kensho, 'What happened to the other purchase options that you mentioned?' Kensho frowned and said, "Unfortunately, you are not able to purchase those items. I am not completely sure why that is the case, but I would presume that it is due to lack of inventory s.p.a.ce or insufficient capabilities. According to what I can see, the options that you have in the shop will change and expand over time. I would guess that as you experience various things in your life, you will unlock more options. Only time will tell my little friend." Kensho grinned as he finished his explanation.
Nawaki went deep into thought. He considered a few possibilities. First, the options in the shop are not permanent. This means that things that are available now, may not be later. In addition, the options that go away will be replaced by new ones in the future. Second, he concluded that this first purchase would be the most important choice that he can make for a while. Since he is a baby, he won't have any chances to get another Sage Token for a while. After some careful thought, Nawaki made his decision. 'Although it means that I'll never be able to get away from you, it seems like one of those will be extremely useful. From what I know about this universe, it seems that early development is crucial in deciding how capable I will be. Thus, I am going to choose to purchase the Insomnia perk.' Kensho's eyes widened and he said, "Is that your final choice? Are you sure? I mean sleep is great. You get to shut off your mind, dream, recover your strength, and then wake up feeling nice and refreshed!" Nawaki laughed internally and thought, 'Well, if I don't need to sleep and can constantly recover my stamina outside of combat, I would be much less vulnerable in the future. So yes, that is my final choice.' Kensho nodded and said, "Alright, I guess it is a good decision. Look forward to talking to you all night long!" As Kensho finished talking, a notification appeared.
*Perk Unlocked: Insomnia*
Almost immediately, Nawaki felt a drastic change. He felt a foreign energy permeating his body and flowing throughout. As it entered, he felt his energy replenish until he was wide awake. Nawaki then thought to Kensho, 'What is this energy that I am feeling? It is so warm and soothing, yet foreign and powerful.' Kensho smiled and said, "That, my little friend, is nature energy. From what I can see regarding your memories, you know the rest." Nawaki widened his eyes as he felt the energy around him. It was almost as if it was speaking to him. He could feel everything that was happening in his bedroom.
However, he suddenly felt uneasy. Almost as if there was some kind of internal conflict occurring. He thought, 'Kensho, what is this feeling? Why does the natural energy feel as if it is fighting something?' Kensho thought for a minute as he tried to figure out what Nawaki was talking about. Kensho then said, "Ohhhhh, I think I know what that is. In younger children, chakra does not immediately start to flow and remains stagnant in your chakra reserves. Maybe you can try using the natural energy to facilitate that process? Usually you would have someone else use their own chakra to help your chakra start moving but you already have something traveling through the pathways. Try it out!"
Nawaki closed his eyes and tried to feel the energy that was circulating through him. As he scanned through his body, he only felt natural energy. However, as he neared his stomach, he felt that the flow of natural energy was inhibited. He went further down and noticed another type of energy. Nawaki noted how the natural energy flowing through his chakra pathways felt. As he focused on the pathways where the energy was moving freely, he could almost feel as if he could control the flow. Using some willpower, he was able to slow the flow. Then he released the restriction and felt the flow speed up and exceed the rate that it was flowing before. Following this, he tried it in his stomach. As if a dam was shattered, he felt an influx of energy flowing through his chakra pathways. 'Wow, so this is chakra? It feels similar to natural energy. Except, it feels more familiar yet less dense.' Nawaki opened his eyes to see Kensho smiling as he said, "Yep. That sounds about right. Chakra is your energy. The other stuff is absorbed from around you so those descriptions make sense. While you were busy, I thought I'd check some stuff out. You should check out your status." Without any hesitation, Nawaki thought, 'Alright Kensho, open the status page.'