Waking up from a nap, Nawaki yawned and stretched his arms before slowly sitting up. "Kensho, what time is it?"
Kensho then popped up, "It's about 9pm. Would you like a weather forecast or today's lottery numbers?"
Rolling his eyes, Nawaki turned and dropped his feet off of the bed. He yawned and stretched again before rising to his feet. Slipping on his sandals, he made his way to the door.
The camp was quiet. Most people were either indoors or huddling around campfires to keep warm. It was a peaceful scene considering the current state of affairs.
As Nawaki strolled across the encampment, he shook himself up a bit to fully wake up. Once he arrived at his destination, Nawaki interlocked his fingers and cracked his knuckles.
Following this, he entered the hospital. The infirmary was somewhat less crowded than earlier and much more quiet. Many of the patients were sleeping while some were receiving treatment and others were relaxing.
Nawaki walked through the infirmary and approached Fugaku's bed. He was sitting up with his back against the wall, seemingly awake.
"Yo, you want to get those bandages off?" Fugaku's expression lit up upon hearing his friend's voice. He then excitedly said, "h.e.l.l yeah. Let's do it."
Nawaki chuckled and said, "Alright. I'm gonna slowly take them off now but make sure you keep your eyes closed until I say otherwise." Fugaku smiled, "You got it boss."
Reaching over to the clip, Nawaki unfastened it and slowly unraveled the bandages covering the top half of Fugaku's face. Once they were off, the results of the transplant were visible.
There was some moderate swelling around the eyes and some dried up blood. Seeing this, Nawaki grabbed a piece of gauze and dampened it a bit. He then gently wiped the dried blood off of Fugaku's face.
Following this, he placed a finger on Fugaku's temple and above the eye on each side. Then, he circulated some natural energy through the chakra pathways to get a rough idea of how the healing process was progressing.
Seeing a golden opportunity, he said, "Bad news. Looks like you're gonna have to keep those eyes closed for another week at least."
Fugaku's jaw dropped upon hearing this, "No, you're joking right?"
Nawaki started laughing and said, "No s.h.i.t Sherlock. Try slowly opening your eyes."
Fugaku let on a confused expression and asked, "Who is Sherlock?" Nawaki nearly soiled his pants when he realized what he did. "Ummm, some detective from a book. It's a figure of speech. Don't worry about it." He then thought, 'Phew, that was close.'
Slowly, Fugaku started to open his eyes. The swelling made it a bit difficult but he was able to do it nonetheless.
"I can see! Never realized how badly I take sight for granted." They both laughed at this. Nawaki then said, "Aside from the swelling, everything is healed up. The swelling should go down by tomorrow night. Now, how about you try activating those things?"
Fugaku grinned as he ran chakra through his eyes. Once they activated, he realized his vision was clearer than ever. "d.a.m.n, this is amazing. My sharingan wasn't even close to as good as this."
Nawaki laughed and said, "My friend, those are not just any sharingan, but eternal mangekyou sharingan. With your reinforced chakra pathways, I have no doubt that there will be no issues when using your mangekyou abilities."
Fugaku tried the mangekyou and was flabbergasted by the quality of his vision. Nawaki then went on to fill him in on the plan put forth by Shikaramu.
On the surface, the plan is to bait the k.u.mo forces into an all out engagement. However, the actual plan is only known by a select few. The actual combat will be done by a small team that is capable of taking on all of k.u.mo of their own.
This team includes Shunsui, Fugaku, Nawaki, and Minato. In addition to them, Nawaki requested that Uzumaki Kira and Might Duy join them.
Due to his rank, Duy would be kept in the dark until the day of. Otherwise, the only person outside of the team that knows the plan is Shikaramu.
Essentially, this group was chosen due to their individual abilities to take on a mult.i.tude of opponents simultaneously. The two Uchihas would use their Susanoo, Nawaki would use wood release as well as his tiger summons, Minato would use his hiraishin and toad summons, Kira would use his adamantine chains, and lastly, Duy would "do his thing" as Nawaki put it.
Part of the secret plan included allowing k.u.mo's spies to find out about the all out offensive. This would almost guarantee that they could put a swift end to the conflict.
The next morning, Nawaki met up with Minato. The operation would be carried out the next day so they left camp to inform their summonings. This way they'd be ready for action right away.
The duo made their way to a clearing that was about 20 miles behind the forward encampment. Nawaki turned to Minato, "Here should be good."
Minato nodded and then they both performed the summoning jutsu. Two ma.s.sive clouds of smoke exploded in the field.
From one cloud, Gamabunta was revealed. From the other, Tora appeared. The two ninja then walked through the plan with their summons.
When Nawaki was done talking, Tora laughed and said, "Well this is great timing. Sadly, I'll have to miss out on the fun this time. However, you'll get even better help when the time comes. Use a bit more chakra than you usually would when summoning me. On top of that, put an equal amount of natural energy into the jutsu as well."
Nawaki nodded and dismissed Tora. Minato had also done the same. Following this, they headed back to camp.
The rest of the day went by quickly. Those involved found out that their bait was taken based on reports that k.u.mo was preparing for a full mobilization.
Finally, the morning came. A thick fog covered the land. Visibility was limited to about 100 yards. Despite the fog, it was actually a somewhat warm day. With the sun shining so bright, the fog should clear up in a few hours.
As the sun was ascending through the sky, Konoha's forces were preparing for the "operation". Everyone aside from a few ANBU and intelligence corps was packed up and ready to go.
On Shikaramu's orders, they moved out. The sea of Konoha ninja trekked through the forest towards the same battlefield from a few days ago. When they were a few minutes out, they received word that k.u.mo's forces were about to arrive at the battlefield as well. Everything was going according to plan.
Several minutes later, the two armies were staring each other down from across the clearing. Each side was patiently waiting for the other to make the first move.
As time dragged on, A grew visibly frustrated. He then yelled out, "THEY ARE TOYING WITH US! CHARGE!" With some yelling, the crowd of k.u.mo ninja sped forward.
In response to this, Shikaramu yelled, "RETREAT!" Despite the confusion, everyone on his side ran away from the approaching enemies.
Of course, all but a few were doing this. In the small group, Shunsui stood in the middle and said, "Nawaki, deal with the hachibi. Duy, deal with A. Everyone else, let's have some fun!"
Following this, Nawaki weaved through the hand signs and smeared some blood, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu." (Summoning) As per Tora's instructions, he injected some natural energy into the jutsu.
Two huge smoke clouds exploded on the field and obstructed k.u.mo's view. As the smoke cleared, an overwhelming amount of pressure emanated from the team.
Shunsui was surrounded by a dark blue rib cage that was rapidly growing. It formed the full torso, flesh, and then became clothed. Lastly, he rose up into the avatar's head as it became completely covered in armor. His complete body Susanoo towered over the battlefield and looked like a majestic samurai. It had two swords hanging from it's hips and a pair of wings spreading from it's back.
Moving down the line, Fugaku had also let loose his complete body Susanoo. It was a light green figure and had similar characteristics to Shunsui's. It had one sword at its hip and also had wings.
Next, Kira had materialized his chains. He was using them as legs in a Doctor Octopus type fashion.
After him, Duy was standing in a fighting stance. A powerful aura exploded from his body as he opened up to the 7th Gate of Shock.
From one cloud of smoke, Gamabunta was revealed with a smug look on his face as he smoked his pipe.
Lastly, from the other cloud of smoke, the source of the largest amount of pressure had yet to reveal itself. Once the smoke cleared, the summoning was still shrouded in a cover of mist.
Suddenly, three deafening roars shook the ground as the mist quickly dissipated. From the smoke, three ma.s.sive feline summonings were revealed.
On the left was a majestic yellow panther with a blue zig zag tail. It had a purple cloud floating off of its neck and was covered with black markings. Its face was white. On the face, a dark gray plate was on its brow and there was a blue star on its nose.
In the middle was a fierce brown lion with a cloud of smoke floating off of its back. It had black bands around its legs and a fluffy white tail. It had a sharp geometric face with a red star, a gray stache, and a yellow flame on its brow.
On the right was a beautiful blue jaguar. It's body was covered with white spots and a purple mane floated off its back. The most noticeable feature was the flowing white ribbons that floated around its body.
Seeing this, Nawaki's jaw dropped as he thought, 'No. Nonononono. Noooooo way. THIS IS f.u.c.kING SICK!'
Everyone, including the Konoha team, was staring at the three cats in awe. None of them had ever seen such majestic creatures. Not only that, but the amount of pressure they emanated was intense.
The cat in the middle turned to Nawaki and said in a deep booming voice, "I'm guessing you're the one Tora told us about? Ahhhh, this should make for a fun stretch." The other two cats laughed.
Snapping out of his daze, Nawaki asked, "Ummmmm, who are you guys?"
The cat on the left scoffed and said in a deep voice, "My name is Raikou." The middle said, "I am Entei." The last one said, "And I am Suicune."
(I don't care what you think. I'm having fun.)
Hearing this, Nawaki got all giddy. He grew up with Pokemon so this was the coolest thing ever. Kensho then said, "Bro, don't even ask. I have no idea."
Nawaki laughed before weaving some hand signs and clapping both hands together. "Senpo Mokuton: Shin Susenju" (Sage Art Wood Release: True Thousand Hands).
The ground shook as a gargantuan wooden construction emerged from the ground. It towered over even the complete body Susanoo. In the front was a sitting Buddha. On the head was a wood golem. Lastly, it was backed up by a thousand wooden arms.
Shunsui laughed and thought, 'What is he gonna do next? Pull a rabbit out of a hat?' He then said, "Let's do this."