The entire army froze as they looked at what was in front of them. They were completely and utterly outmatched.
Snapping out of his daze, B immediately transformed into the hachibi and charged at Nawaki. A equipped his lightning chakra mode and sped forward towards Shunsui but Duy intercepted him in a blur and sent him flying.
Seeing their two trump cards rush forward, they had no choice but to join the fight. They resumed their charge. Unfortunately, they were merely running to their deaths.
In similar fashion to the previous battle, Nawaki charged at B. As he approached. He launched a bombardment of wooden fists. Immediately, the hachibi got forced back. During the bombardment, Nawaki sent out two wooden dragons and restrained him.
Nawaki quickly suppressed the bijuu chakra and incapacited B. After 20 seconds, he was unconscious on the ground. At this point, he was quite adept at overpowering and suppressing tailed beasts. Wood release really is a G.o.d sent kekkei genkai. After this, he continued forward crushing all in his path.
Over in the fight between Duy and A, it was a deadlock. Duy was clearly stronger when it came to strength but A was always able to dodge using his slight edge in speed. However, Duy was just aiming to keep A busy so he was doing his job well.
Minato was flashing around the field taking out an enemy with each move. The bodies were continuously hitting the ground.
The two Susanoos were mowing down ninja with each swing. And the summonings, ain't looking too hot. Gamabunta was also mowing down ninja with his blade.
For the legendary trio, each one possessed a kekkei genkai and used large scale jutsus to blow away the enemy.
After exchanging blows, A was sent flying again. As he stood up, he looked across the battlefield. His heart hurt with each strike from the Konoha team. All he could do was watch as his comrades were slaughtered. They didn't stand a chance against this small group that was able to completely let loose.
A grew visibly frustrated at his lack of foresight. He just sent his men to their deaths. With extreme reluctance, he yelled, "RETREAT!" After just 10 minutes of fighting, their army was on the verge of annihilation. There was truly no hope for victory.
All of the ninja that were still alive and well made a b-line off the battlefield. The Konoha ninja gave a brief chase continuing to cut down as many ninja as possible. After a short time, Shunsui yelled, "LET THEM GO! WE HAVE FINISHED WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR!"
Their team then turned back and left the fleeing ninja. At this point, Shikaramu sent the rest of the army back forward to detain all of the living ninja to use as negotiation chips. In addition, they took all of the weapons and equipment and made quite the profit from the exchange.
Nawaki and Minato dismissed their summonings and the team headed back to camp leaving the rest for the army to handle. Nawaki had to carry Duy and bring him back to camp as he was incapacitated due to the pain caused by opening the gate of shock.
Later that day, Shunsui and the rest of the demolition team were drinking in celebration of their overwhelming victory. As if coming to a sudden realization, Shunsui became serious and turned to Nawaki.
He then asked, "Hey kiddo. Mind if I ask you something?" Nawaki raised his brow letting on an intrigued look. He then said, "Sure, ask away Shunsui san."
Shunsui then said, "Okay, what the f.u.c.k were those summonings?" Upon hearing this, everyone else became silent. It turns out that they were all thinking the same thing. With this, all eyes were on Nawaki.
Speaking of whom, he just smiled and scratched the back of his head. He then said, "I'm just as clueless as you guys are. When Minato and I briefed our summons before the operation, Tora told me to perform a special summoning instead of the normal one and that's what happened."
Everyone laughed in response to this. They were all expecting some crazy training or super powered ability but it was merely a slightly modified summoning. Despite being shocked, the truth was quite comical.
As they were laughing and celebrating their boon, an Intelligence Corps member ran into the room, "SHUNSUI SAMA, URGENT NEWS!"
Shunsui turned and said, "Hai hai. Calm down my friend. What is the news?"
After taking a few breaths and calming herself she said, "We just received a letter from Lord Third. He has been informed that the Raikage wishes to enter peace talks. We have orders to cease all operations on this front and wait for further instructions."
Shunsui smiled at this. Everyone else was silent waiting for his reaction. He reached into his flak jacket and removed a scroll. He unfurled it and in a poof of smoke, a bottle was revealed. The bottle was made of crystal clear gla.s.s and had a square base. It was about 8 inches tall and contained a brown, smokey liquid.
Nawaki's eyes lit up. This was none other than authentic j.a.panese style whiskey. Shunsui turned to everyone and said, "Boys, TONIGHT WE DRINK!" Everyone in the room cheered.
(Did you know that Whiskey and Whisky are both correct spellings of the word. They have the same meaning and there is no differentiation between the two aside from the one letter in spelling. I just found this out when doing some research so I thought I'd share.)
Shunsui had the Intelligence Corps take over for the night and until tomorrow afternoon as they would be drinking into the night. This wasn't just a normal celebration. They were making progress towards ending this war! The lives lost would not be in vain as they would be built upon to secure the future of Konoha!
The remainder of the night was a s.h.i.t show of drunken shenanigans. Since people were considered adults when they became ninja, the whole squad was sloshed.
Duy had a slow start with the drinking. However, when he reached a certain point, he became an untamed beast. He actually turned out to be yet another natural proprietor of the drunken fist. He became belligerent and started wrecking the makeshift bar that Nawaki constructed with wood release.
Everyone needed to band together and distract Duy so Nawaki could restrain him with wooden tendrils. They locked him down and forced some water down his throat before leaving him to calm down.
The rest of the night went by quite smoothly. Everyone got s.h.i.tfaced and pa.s.sed out in the makeshift bar. It was truly an enjoyable night. They all knew that as soon as the peace talks ended, another night like this one wouldn't come around for a while.
Soon enough, the sun began to rise over the forest. A thin fog began to envelop the vegetation as the morning dew slowly evaporated due to the sunlight. The chirping of birds and rustling of small animals emerging from their abodes livened up the environment.
Nawaki slowly opened his eyes as he groaned. Kensho laughed and asked, "How's your first hangover in this world?" Nawaki immediately shut his eyes and fell back to the floor saying, "Oh shut up, will ya?"
Kensho just laughed and said, "I'd get up and figure out this hangover if I were you. The orders from Konoha should be here in the next few hours. The Raikage has that teleportation thingy, remember?"
Nawaki sighed and sat up against the wall. Looking around the room, everyone was still asleep in awkward positions on the floor or in chairs. In the far corner, Duy was still restrained but was peacefully asleep.
He walked over to the poor genin and released him from the tendrils. Following this, he walked out of the makeshift bar to stretch his legs. Nawaki was sore all over. He had a ma.s.sive headache and was very groggy. This would be an awful morning.
In an effort to wake himself up, he decided that he would go hunt and then cook some breakfast. He still had some fresh ingredients left in his inventory so he only needed some meat.
Nawaki left camp and entered the forest. Jumping into a tree, he knelt down and stretched out his senses. He was searching for a particular animal that had meat that would taste heavenly during a hangover.
Unfortunately, it took him a little longer than normal. Despite all expectations, Nawaki was not a superhuman. His senses were dulled a bit due to being hungover so he struggled a bit.
However, he was recovering at breakneck pace as he circulated the natural energy through his body. It rejuvenated his cells and energized his body. Suddenly, he took off through the trees.
In the middle of the forest, a fat, brown boar was munching on some acorns. (I looked it up, they actually eat almost anything.) Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the leaves above. As it went on the defensive thinking that there was a predator, it heard the flapping of a bird that took off from the trees.
Hearing this, it calmed back down and resumed eating. Unfortunately for it, that was not the source of the noise. Reality was not so kind. The actual source was a hungover Nawaki that was not able to keep his stealth at a peak. He almost alerted the boar of his presence!
After waiting for a few seconds to steady himself, he removed a sheathed tanto sword from his inventory. This is one of the spares that he keeps in case of emergency. He did not feel that his grandfather's sword should be used to hunt.
He dropped down from directly above the boar and landed on top of it as the tanto blade slid through its head, killing it instantly.
It's lifeless body fell to the ground as Nawaki removed the blade from the boar and rolled to the side. He whipped the sword, removing blood from the metal blade and sheathed the tanto before placing it back in his inventory. Never know when he'll need it.
Nawaki then took out some rope from his inventory and was about to tie up the boar to bring it back to camp but then stopped. "Why do I need to lug this thing back to camp when I can just butcher it here and store it away in my inventory? IDIOT!"
He laughed and put the rope away before taking a metal table out of his inventory. He keeps this on him at all times in case of needing to do emergency surgery. He then took the tanto back out and decided to yet again put it to good use since he did not have a carving knife on him.
(Insert butchering wild boar montage here because I'm lazy :P)
Once the boar was processed, Nawaki stored away the bones, meat, and edible organs into his inventory and then left the rest of the boar for the wildlife to eat. In reality, wild animals will eat almost anything. It really is quite convenient that any item that is placed in his inventory remains in a state of stasis. Unfortunately, no living beings can be stored in it.
Within a few minutes, Nawaki had returned to camp. He created a table and some chairs with wood release and took out his charcoal grill. He ignited the coals and allowed it to start heating up. "I really need to design a better grill. Should be a fun project."
(Pls recommend ideas for how the grill will function, I wanna start having him invent some s.h.i.t. I've already got some ideas that I will keep secret for now but ideas are welcome. And also, the cooking stuff I write into this book is real stuff. I know how to cook and all of these described methods can be used to prepare food in real life. It's learning time boys.)
*Large flashing letters pop up on the screen*
From his inventory, Nawaki took out a cooking knife, a large wooden cutting board, two large pans, two mixing bowls, some plates, and various eating utensils. In addition, he took out some eggs, a slab of bacon, various vegetables, and an array of spices. Everybody knows at this point that Nawaki is a spicy boi.
Nawaki started by finely dicing the vegetables. His skill with a blade was put in full display as he used the knife to quickly process the ingredients in a blur. Once the vegetables were done, he tossed them into the bowl to prep for the next step.
Moving on, he grabbed the bacon and dropped it onto the cutting board with a thud. It was a beautiful, fatty cut. Before cutting it, he liberally rubbed the slab with some salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and brown sugar. These spices would enhance the flavors and aroma of the meat.
Due to it being from a boar, it would be extremely flavorful and the only way to cut it was thicker than a snicker. He went in for the kill and quickly sliced the bacon slab into quarter inch thick slices.
(Cool tip: On most people, the digit of your thumb that is attached to your hand is about an inch long. When looking for a rough approximation, you can use that part of your finger to visualize a measurement.)
Next, Nawaki cracked almost a dozen eggs into the empty bowl and beat them with a fork. After some mixing, Nawaki sprinkled in a generous amount of salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper into the eggs. Again, he mixed it up. Following this, he dumped the vegetables into the eggs and mixed it all together.
After all this time, the charcoal stove was fully heated up. Nawaki pulled some oil out of his inventory and put a small coating of it into the two pans. Following this, he placed them over the flame to let the oil heat up.
A few minutes went by and the oil was now hot. First, Nawaki placed in as many slices of bacon as would fit in the pan at a time. When they hit the oil, a heavenly sizzle erupted from the pan and the aroma started filling the cold morning air.
While the first batch of bacon was cooking, he moved on to start cooking the eggs. He poured some of the mixture into the pan and just like with the bacon, it started sizzling. He intended to make scrambled eggs with veggies so he stirred the eggs as they cooked to keep them from flattening.
After a few minutes, Nawaki flipped the bacon to make sure that both sides crisped over evenly. Another few minutes went by and the first batch was ready. Taking a fork, he stabbed into each slice of bacon. The outside was nice and crispy but after breaking through the outer sh.e.l.l, the inside was tender and juicy.
He had prepared a plate and stacked the bacon onto the plate. He then quickly moved to place another batch of bacon into the pan before taking the eggs out of the other pan and putting them into the bowl that the vegetables were in. Following this, he poured more eggs into the pan.
Due to the sheer amount of ingredients, he repeated this process several times. As the aroma filled the air, some groggy, hungover ninja shuffled out of the makeshift bar and plopped down into the chairs surrounding the table.