In her life n.o.body did small gestures to please her. Everyone knew she worked for money so n.o.body ever placated her.
The prerequisite was simple, you get the cash and you get your candy.
She didn't really have friends, in her line of business either you are allies or you are not. There are no feelings involved thus no greetings, no checking up and no gifts.
The time seem to pa.s.s as a blur and it was already time for lunch.
Lei Xinyi and Li Yuan had all their lunches together in his office since the day he decided to 'work things out' between them.
Lei Xinyi waited for the Department to be vacated a little then headed out to go to Li Yuan's office.
More of a reason why she went there was because of sumptuous and lavish food and Li Yaun wasn't bad company either. He liked being touchy.
And come to think of it, he is doing all that for his runaway fiance, who eloped with a mystery man so she had nothing to be guilty about.
It was Master Lu fault he dragged her here and Li Yuan fault that he took the bait!
She was forced to adapt to the situations. She had no place to go and they seemed like a good refuge. And she never once said that she was Lu Xinyi!
All they have to blame is that Lu Xinyi! Yes! She is the one that deceived them!
Thinking of it like that Lei Xinyi felt better. Yes, it wasn't her fault at all!
"Lu Xinyi, listen!" Lei Xinyi was walking to the elevator, hearing someone call her, she halted in her steps.
Turning around she saw Wen Junhui running toward her, panting.
Lei Xinyi waited for him to reach her. On the front she had a soft smile but inside she wanted to claw his jugular vein for stopping her.
She was getting impatient. That Li Yaun only pretended to be a gentleman in front of public or specifically in front of Master Lu and Madam Lu.
Knowing him he wouldn't even wait for her before starting eating and that infuriating man may even start with the desert so there is nothing left for her.
Wen Junhui, the head of the financial department stood in front of her nervously looking around them and looking closely you could see he was blushing!
"Well...Umm..I..I wanted to ask if you have any plans for lunch. I mean that's okay if you are busy..."Lei Xinyi cut him off, she didn't really have time for bulls.h.i.t!
"Wen Junhui, I would have really liked to come but I am meeting my friend for lunch." Saying that Lei Xinyi turned to the elevator and press the b.u.t.ton to call the elevator.
"That's okay! So maybe we can eat lunch together tomorrow..."
Lei Xinyi gritted her teeth. Annoying p.r.i.c.ks! Can't they take a hint?! She pressed twice more the elevator b.u.t.ton impatiently.
Turning to Wen Junhui with a forced smile she said sweetly, "I am meeting with my friend tomorrow too."
"So I can maybe come along..."
"My friend like privacy as we are kind of private people."
"I can be your friend too..."
Lei Xinyi let out a frustrated sigh subtly, "Sorry, I don't think so. my boyfriend would like that."
Wen Junhui looked at her shocked, "But you said you were meeting your friend."
Lei Xinyi bowed her hands on her chest, "Yes, BOYfriend."
At the same time the elevators arrived and Lei Xinyi released a sigh of relief and stepped in.
"So the rumors are true..." Wen Junhui muttered. Of course he was talking about a.s.sistant Ji Zhou and Lei Xinyi being a couple but Lei Xinyi didn't bother correcting him.
Instead Lei Xinyi rolled her eyes, and shrugged "75% percent of the rumors you hear, are true." The elevator door closed with that.
Neither she accepted nor declined. She said 75 % of the rumors are true but didn't say this one was in those 75 % or not.
Reaching Li Yuan office Lei Xinyi mood was already sour and she swore even if Li Yuan had touched the desert she would have his head.
A hungry woman in an angry woman!
Lei Xinyi pushed opened Li Yuan door without knocking, like she always did but what she saw inside left her stunned and furious. She stood there rooted to her spot.
Li Yuan was hugging a woman in his office in broad daylight!
"Yuan, I missed you soo much!" The woman cooed while hugging him. The voice was surprisingly familiar to Lei Xinyi ears.
"I missed you too, Weiwei!" At Li Yuan reply Lei Xinyi blood ran cold.
Oh... so they were on nickname basis!
She will have fun getting rid of this leech too and avenge for betrayal to this cheating b.a.s.t.a.r.d!