In the living of the Li Mansion, Madam Li relaxed with a soft smile and satisfied look in her eyes looking at the developed photos in her hand.
"It turns out better than I expected. The Lu's girl sure is a push-over tramp! Hardly a two weeks since Su's b*tch's arrival and she is out of the picture!"
Madam Li snorted, "As expected, easily distracted! After all he is the son of that despicable man, but it turned out good for us."
She would never let any of these sly foxes get a name from his son!
Su Qainwei and Lei Xinyi both were sharp, cunning, and wild with the looks of s.l.u.ts, that could make men turn heads and stare at their ethereal figures.
You could feel they were Alpha females: dominant and confident in their skin! You could see in how they basked in attention that they liked to keep their heads held high.
They were the kind men worshipped and they only waved them off like dust beneath their feet.
The Butler nodded his head, "Madam Li, Ms. Su is having dinner with Young Master Li every day in his office and Ms. Lu hasn't as much as come near them."
Madam Li looked at him incredulously, "What?! How can that be? Why she hadn't confronted him yet?! Didn't you say the rumors of Su Qianwei having an explicit relationship with Li Yaun had been flying around the office."
The Butler looked confused, "Madam, that's strange but it looks that she had been avoiding him. She doesn't seem... bothered."
Madam Li slapped the photos on the table, "That won't do! This had to spite her so she can make a scene. Her parents have to see then please the elders to annul the wedding!"
Her husband has been like Li Yaun too, a full package, handsome with a jaw-dropping figure, wealthy and c.o.c.kily arrogant.
No one could blame him; he had every reason to be that!
On the other hand when he was the heartthrob of the country she was just plain. She was a face that could blend in.
If not for her family name she couldn't even be noticed.
She was in her late teenage years then. The news of their marriage made her gush and just thinking about him made her blush.
Everyone envied her and she took pride in it.
Madam Li snorted at her naivety then.
She didn't have anything to offer except her lineage. Arrange Marriage.
He was a complete gentleman with her in the initial days in their marriage, she felt she was living a dream and how right she was.
Once she got pregnant with Li Yuan he didn't return home then but stayed in his lover's beds.
Master Li had many mistresses and affairs over the years, every one of them pierced her heart like a throne.
Every next lover was more ravishing and exquisite than the last one. Every one of them making her realize how she wasn't...enough.
Madam Li shook her head then looked at him, "You tell me, why would a woman not be bothered by her man having an affair?!"
The Butler looked hesitant but spoke, "Madam, I have a feeling that maybe Young Master Li and Ms. Lu have gotten into a fight. Reportedly, Young Master Li hasn't been in the best oh his moods lately..."
Madam Li nodded in understanding. The pieces seem to fit better now. It can be possible the girl was avoiding him to shelter her ego and pride and Li Yuan was making her jealous and angry so that she would snap.
Oldschool trick!
Madam Li looked at the Butler and smirked, "Could be but the onlookers don't know that. We can use this in our favor better than ever. Su Qianwei wasn't some random fling. She is his previous fiance that he had been fond of."
The Butler nodded his head, "Yes Madam, We have made sure the rumors have reached every ear."
She knew the Elders were getting restless. The naive, beautiful, and sharp-tongued good-for-nothing wench wouldn't survive even two months as Madam Li.
When Li Yaun ascended on the position he needed immunity and support to secure his position. That time he was young and inexperienced.
But now only in a couple of years he had not only secured the Family business but brought it to new heights.
Now the Lu girl was as useful as a vase resting on the window so she was better gone.
"The girl isn't of any use now. This is the best opportunity to get rid of her. Arrange a Tea with my Father and Mother-in-law soon."
The Butler bowed and left the room.