Her heart was dried of all the emotions she developed and turned stone cold again.
Nothing mattered, just herself.
At the end of the day, she was alone, isolated. She was all she had and she will protect herself at any cost.
She had always had only herself to rely on, at a young age she learned what people did to you when you trusted them.
There was no way Li Yuan was an exception. To add a cherry on top, he was the proud King of all the tyrants.
Lei Xinyi wiped her face harshly, the tears disgusted her.
She wasn't a princess who wailed her faith, she was a Queen who retaliated and schemed against the world to retain her destiny.
She let out a bitter laugh at her situation.
Since when did she cry over a man? So pathetic! Lei Xinyi looked at herself in the mirror and sneered.
He was such a mirage but she knew in her barren desert, she was just a starved and thirsty lost, who was chasing anything that could satiate her.
He was a man who is every woman's l.u.s.t. He was perfect... In every sense of the word.
He surpa.s.sed perfection by miles and she...she was just not enough. Not for him, not for a man like him.
So why should she bare her heart for the pain? What she was desiring was something that was nothing but her wistful thing!
She had always been aware. Everything in her life was in her control. She was leading her life and then he came and ruined everything.
He was a curse, a kind of curse she wished would never break. A kind that she made her wish to be d.a.m.ned for eternity.
But her heart told her that he was worth all the agony. He was, really. It was her who wasn't enough.
So out of her league...
Lei Xinyi closed her eyes and shield her soul that she had bared just for him.
Lei Xinyi held her breath as she brought her hand behind her back to check her injury. She felt it when it pierced her that the stab was at least half an inch deep.
It was excruciatingly painful but she had felt worse.
From the dampness, she could tell that she was bleeding a good amount of blood.
Her heart hurt more thinking who had inflicted this on her than the wound itself.
She knew he didn't do it intentionally. He wasn't even aware of what he had done but she couldn't tell that to her heart.
It just wanted its tormentor to coax its pain.
She took out b.u.t.terfly st.i.tches from her bag that she always carried with her and carefully applied three on her wound.
She winced as she pulled the contractions, it hurt like a b*tch but she had to do it.
Though it wasn't a permanent solution, it would do for now.
She was pleased with the black dress she was wearing. She didn't want Li Yaun to see her wound and pity her or show her sympathy.
She wanted to hold the little dignity she was left with.
She looked up and saw Li Yaun making angry strides in the direction of the car. She quickly wiped the blood on her fingers on her black b.u.t.ton-down shirt.
He was taking quick furious strides in the car's direction and then when he rushed in the car, he shut the door forcefully.
His hands were fisted and jaw clenched. Lei Xinyi had an urge to scoff at him.
It was all his fault for overreacting!
Silence clouded their surroundings. n.o.body knew what to say or if they had anything left to say. They just sat there in the still car, tormenting each other with the silence.
In fact, they had too much to say that they opted to remain silent.
They both wondered what the other was doing but they didn't need to ask.
Li Yuan's b.l.o.o.d.y and bruised fist was a giveaway of his activities and Lei Xinyi's reddened eyes were telling their own tales.
They were hardly inches away but still miles apart.
Li Yaun heart ached to look at her disheveled self but like his every other emotion he vessels it to anger.
Lei Xinyi felt her heart clench looking at the giveaway signs of his atrocious acts.
They were both warry for each other but couldn't comfort one another.
They were still looking out of the windshield mirror; they didn't want to see anything they couldn't unseen.
Li Yuan exhaled a deep breath and sneered, "This is all because you want to keep things..."