Li Yuan glanced at the phoenix sand peach and salt white dress. Of course, blue Sapphires and silver would look ridiculous on the dress.
Li Yuan smirked and pulled the same drawer out and took a glittery gold rectangular box.
He opened it to reveal a necklace and a pair of statement earrings made of gold and rubies. Lei Xinyi stared at the beauty in front of her.
Too much gold and too much platinum.
She at once felt the necklace on her neck was suffocating her and the shimmering gold in front of her was rebuking her for playing with Li Yuan's affection.
Lei Xinyi swallowed the lump in her throat and closed her eyes for a fleeting moment.
She shouldn't have taken it too far.
Li Yuan noticed her change in mood and thought she was getting sentimental and pinched her left cheek. Lei Xinyi looked at him in the mirror to see him grinning at her.
Li Yuan chuckled at her confused gaze, "Well, you were gazing with the same intensity at Old Master Li's cane, so... "
She of course noticed he didn't call him Grandpa like he called his Grandma but didn't comment. She could tell he was trying to uplift her mood. So she played along.
Lei Xinyi pulled away from him and folded her arms trying to look offended and narrowed her eyes at him, "You make me sound like a gold digger!"
Li Yuan shrugged then turned her around and pulled her to him, "Well, I don't mind if you choose to be perhaps I will be lucky if you will be because... here n.o.body got more gold than me."
Lei Xinyi broke out into a smile, tiptoed and kissed the corner of his mouth, "You are such an arrogant man!"
Li Yuan dived in for her lips and gave her an untamed, turbulent, wild and tempestuous kiss, then bit her lip making Lei Xinyi wince and bang his chest.
He chuckled and gave her a kiss at the corner of her lip, "I have got every reason to be."
He glanced at the dress on the bed, "Think you can wear those for me some other day, hmm?"
Lei Xinyi nodded, and smirked at him, "Sure."
They looked at each other for a little longer, trying to cherish the limited time they had together. Lei Xinyi averted her gaze first.
Lei Xinyi caressed his suit in thought, "You are wearing a gunmetal grey tie that is matching with my dress." Lei Xinyi stated.
Li Yuan was playing with her curls in a trance of her angel-like touch and velvety hypnotizing voice. He wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be an enchantress.
"Hmm? And what about it?"
Lei Xinyi held his tie and tightened it and dusted the imaginary dust from his suit then looked at his eyes with a soft teasing smile, "How do you know, I would pick this one dress?"
He smirked in her direction and looked at her deep cleavage that could be seen from his angle, "I wished you would wear this."
Lei Xinyi saw his gaze on her cleavage and gasped and pushed him away. She could feel her cheeks flaming.
To hide her embarra.s.sment she tried to play nonchalant, "And if I didn't wear it then?
He pulled her back to him and buried his face in her neck.
"Then I would change it to the one matching with your dress," He kissed her neck still having eye contact in the mirror, and whispered in her ear, "You can do anything you please as long as you are with me."
Lei Xinyi stiffened by his words and pushed him away gently, "We are getting late. We should be leaving."
She turned to the mirror and reapplied her lipstick. Then he pa.s.sed a tissue to Li Yuan to wipe the lipstick marks from his lips.
Li Yuan smirked as he tasted her cherry lipstick on his lips, "Yeah, let's get going fast to get your parent's blessing so I can have you all to myself."
Lei Xinyi rolled her eyes and walked to the bed and held her ballerina flat in her hand and wore it on her right foot, "Yeah sure, all yours." She muttered sarcastically.
Li Yuan chuckled and took the other shoe from her hand and held her left foot in his hand, brought it up causing Lei Xinyi to yelp and fall on the bed.
"Yeah, all mine because you are high maintenance, sweetheart." He held her hand, then pulled her to him.
"Aren't you making a habit of manhandling me."
"Yeah, because I know you like it rough."
Lei Xinyi huffed and let the matter slide. He just likes to banter with her, to get her riled up and combust.
Apart from that, the situation was getting complicated and her staying here was getting harder with this pregnancy and marriage.
She will have to talk with Su Qianwei for an escape. That desperate hyena would be over the moon to help her out of Li Yuan's life.
He led her to the grand stairs, and they both descended together.
"Don't you think, you spent quite a lot of money for just a visit."
"Nothing is a lot for you, sweetheart," He held her hand and squeezed it gently. "I would spend treasures of the world to see you adorned in your beauty."
Lei Xinyi scoffed at his comment and rolled her eyes. The man was getting better and better with his silver tongue.
"Yeah sure."
He chuckled at her sarcasm, "I like it when you dress up for me. I will get you all the treasures of the world to cherish you with."
Of course, he could. He was the only man who could on Earth.
Yes, there were others who were as rich as him, but their money was shared between siblings and relatives and he was the sole owner of everything.
"But technically, I didn't dress up for you. I dressed up for my family." She waved him away.
"Now you know I can keep you for myself. Can't I?" He opened the car door for her and Lei Xinyi grinned.
They both remembered their first meetings by that. When he refused to do these gestures for her.
"Though I don't really believe you but I guess I will play along."