Lu Xinyi was asleep, she usually was when he did breakfast. She was going to go shopping today for the fall so it was best if she had her rest.
And then he had also told the Butler to arrange a mini-fridge and snack drawer in her room and to keep it stocked.
Flowers were forbidden on his floor for the end of time.
Who knows next time she goes on a hunger strike what would she try to eat?! So it was better if there was a little food-stock in her room.
He left for his office and spent his day quietly in his office, sorting the work from yesterday and the meeting he had to reschedule.
Jiang Cheng was on a leave, there was no use bringing him on board anyway. The man was rusted mourning. Yu w.a.n.g wasn't in his company too so he had a double burden for the day to handle with an investigation on the matter.
But no matter how much Yu Youahn pushed Li Yuan was coc.o.o.ning the whole matter like a wild cat did her cubs. It could be because he was too mourning his dead woman and child could be he was hiding something.
The story just didn't add the ends well. There were loopholes...
Li Yuan had been ignoring all his confrontation. Li Qiang was looking at the matter at hands in his company. They say he was what you called a broken man.
But what didn't sit well with Yu Youhan was that Li Yuan wasn't the kind to lick his wounds in peace. He would rather burn the world to heat his left-overs.
Yu Youhan knew he had to force him to meet him otherwise who knew what he would do in the boundaries of his house.
Even that was a headache because Li Yuan had all his armed men guarding his Mansion to not let anyone in. Not even his mother!
He just got off a conference call when his door was knocked and his replacement secretary came in jiggling all her a.s.set with a sultry smile.
He ignored her tactics and raised his brow in question. She held the telephone and whispered in a seductive whisper, "Young Master Yu, your Butler requests your attention."
Yu Youhan s.n.a.t.c.hed the phone from her hand and ignored her whole existence. This was the main reason he never kept a female secretary!
Bothersome women!
A subtle, hardly visible smile rose on his face thinking about his little spitfire who would have probably suggested to flush the s.l.u.tty woman head to get her mind out of the gutter.
He pursed his lips and with a straight face demanded, "What is it? Where is Lu Xinyi?"
The Butler reply was instant, "Young Master, Ms Lu is still in her bed..." Yu Youhan looked at the clock. 11: 48. Lazy spitfire! "...Young Master, it is about Ms Lu's family."
He at once jerked forward and sat straight, her d.a.m.n family! The one who made him go through h.e.l.l and back the whole day, yesterday! And then Lu Xinyi tantrum who tormented him mentally.
The whole Lu family seem to have sworn to make him miserable!
"What about them?" He demanded through clenched teeth in a cold tone.
"Young master, Ms Lu's father and elder brother are on the gates of the Mansion with about thirty armed men of the Lu's force with them and forty men in secluded hidden places in the sixty-kilometre perimeter of the Mansion on stand by. What are the orders, Young Master?" The Butler replied with an indifferent tone as if reporting the weather.
Yu Youhan closed his eyes and took long breaths to calm himself or he would rather combust. Not even the Li Family had ever dared come on his doors armed to threaten him.
Were they martyr or simply fools? He could make them history in minutes just by issuing a single command!
It was a blatant insult and he should annihilate the whole Lu Family for an audacious step like that but what will he reply to his spitfire then?
She would probably strangle him in his sleep if even he were to look at her 'dear Family' the wrong way. he had a hunch yesterday didn't even touch the surface of her anger.
He huffed out a breath and spat through gritted teeth, "Dump them in the living room...respectfully."
He was about to hang up when a thought struck him.
Why should he play the customary move when he can shoot two birds with one stone...? He could clear his name and earn brownie points if only he played his cards right!
"No, instead tell them the way to Lu Xinyi's room."
"As you see fit, Young Master."
If her father and brother saw her in her room. They would a.s.sess everything and men as sharp as they are, would figure out at once that there was no illicit relationship between them and he was treating her with respect.
His name would clear and Lu Xinyi too will have no grudge to hold against him anymore. Then he could start everything afresh, this time through the legit channel.
A smirk crept on Yu Youhan's face. Now he just needed to wait for the ball to fall back in his court.
Lu Xinyi door was knocked for the fifth time in the last hour.
She was angry with this routine but all she could do was huff. Shouting and snapping wasn't in her nature... except if it was a certain someone who always brought the worst out of her.
Putting her head out of the comforter, she sat on the bed. She was still sleepy!
She finger-combed her unruly golden-brown hairs. Her room was a mess with snacks packets brought yesterday by Yu Yuohan she called for the person to come in.
"Come in and say what you want to say, You have only one chance to!"
But the people who entered the room took literally her breath away. Lu Xinyi jumped out of the bed at once and her eyes widened in fear.