Her golden-brown hairs were in a neat ponytail making her long slender neck obvious. She was wearing a Magenta dress-shirt with a belt, to match with it she had plum stilettos and a plum band.
Looking at her latest season designer outfit and vanity table filled with expensive brands, she had a sudden realization that she really was ripping Yu Youhan off!
Poor Innocent Guy!
She had spent all her life wearing from wearing custom-made nappies to designer lingerie and she could tell with one glance that her wardrobe cost more than 1.5 billion.
If she was going to pay all this by a salary giving job, she will be labouring until she is haggard and wrinkly!
For the same reason, she hadn't even touched the jewel and precious stones embedded accessories but still, he kept filling her wardrobe with clothing, no matter how she denies him. And not to mention the medical expenses!
She might as well sell her organs to him now! She would, but still the money would lack.
She was hardly wearing makeup but still, her complexion looked radiant. Giving one last look at the mirror, she took a selfie with a pout and sent Yu Youhan with a text.
Spitfire: Going out for something important, wish me luck!!
The meeting was in full swing when Yu Youhan phone beeped. Every eye subtly glanced at him even the speaker paused. Every phone except for his was on silent or turned off.
Their Boss was in a very bad mood and every employe felt it, with the pa.s.sing of time they could feel the temperature falling.
The person on the phone was about to be roasted! They all sent prayers to heaven under their breaths.
They held their breath and wished peace on the soul who had messaged their Boss at a time like this. Yu Youhan frowned, picked his phone and a smile bloomed on his stoic cold face.
The people in the conference room gasped but Yu Youhan left the conference room frowning at her selfie in which she was wearing a shirt but no pants. It hardly covered her thighs and that ponytail made her already slender neck look even noticeable. What was she thinking?
Lu Xinyi was walking down the stairs when her phone ringed.
Evil Soul From h.e.l.l calling...
Lu Xinyi picked the call at once, and excitedly asked, "Have you called to wish me luck?"
Yu Youahn opened his mouth then closed it. He had to find a way to say it without enraging her, "Yes that...and little firecracker, did you...forget your pants?"
Lu Xinyi melodious laugh rang in his ear, subconsciously putting a smile on his face, "No, Youhan! This is a dress-shirt!"
Yu Youhan cursed the designer under his breath who designed it and stylist who put it in her closet.
He licked his lip and clung to hope. It was his last chance, "Yes, Little firecracker but...the takeouts from yesterday are showing...and the ponytail is a little fuzzy..."
She was in no way fat but she was plum, unlike Lei Xinyi who was a naturally skinny woman. That made Lu Xinyi curvy figure stand-out and then her naturally innocent vibe that she radiated! She was definitely going to turn heads!
Lu Xinyi stopped in her tracks, and her face drenched in horror, "Really?"
"Yes, you are looking beautiful but you know..." Yu Youhan drawled.
She was looking good in fact too good and it was not good for him at all!
"I will just go change in a while and let my hairs down...looking like a potato isn't a good first impression! Shouldn't have eaten those deranged sinfully tasty chips. Thanks for telling me!" She hung the phone.
Yu Youhan threw his fist in the air, with a victorious smirk, like he had just gaoled the final score for the football world cup.
His secretariat was looking at their Boss with goofy eyes and mouths wide open. What happened to their cold and devilish Boss?!
In a few minutes, he received another selfie in a dress with full sleeves with leggings and her hairs down.
Spitfire: How is this? Do I look like I am out of a GQ cover?
Evil Soul Form h.e.l.l: Perfect! If you didn't tell I would a.s.sume, it was a GQ cover!
Lu Xinyi looked satisfied with the comment and threw her hairs behind her shoulder in pride while Yu Youhan merrily went back to the conference room.
And this is how you kill a snake without breaking the stick!
Lu Xinyi got out of the car and walked to Su Qing complex.
She was naive but she wasn't stupid. She knew her father and Yu Youhan men were following her. She didn't mind.
It was better to have some extra tails than your head hung upside-down in a bas.e.m.e.nt of some criminal's house for ransom.
No thanks! She would rather have tails than her head hung!
Su Qing lived in the condominium on the top floor. Lu Xinyi had heard from Yu Youhan about the death of the real Lei Xinyi. She needed to give them her condolence.
Furthermore, because of her imposter, they treated Lu Xinyi well when she needed moral support.
They were still friends to her even if she wasn't Lei Xinyi so it was mandatory she goes to check upon them. And then she needed to look for a place to move out.
She had the key so she just went up, entering Lu Xinyi saw the horror she had never seen before.
Su Qing was laying on the floor with empty alcohol bottles all around her. The unfamiliar alcohol smell reeked the place.
Lu Xinyi rushed to her and called her name over and over but Su Qing was limp and cold. Her chest drummed in her chest and she looked around frantically and found a half-empty bottle of anti-depressant.
Su Qing was laying on the floor in an unnatural angle. Her skin was pale that it was almost transparent, the half-closed eyes were glazed. The only colour on her skin was the mascara that was smudged on her face.
She looked like a lifeless gothic girl.
Lu Xinyi breaths turned erratic. What should she do? Should she call Yu Youhan? Or should she call an ambulance?
No! Su Qing was an actress, her name would be tainted in both condition. A commotion will be far more lethal to her than these meds overdose!
So, Lu Xinyi called the one number, she knew would always be available to her.
After about three hours Lu Xinyi stood out in the hospital corridor. The white walls were creeping her and her heart was thumping.
Any time now the Doctors would come out and would seal Su Qing fate with a sentence or two. That scared her, the power those sentences will hold.
Master Lu came to her with a smoothie and club sandwiches, he gave her a side hug and Lu Xinyi burst out crying on his chest.
"Little Pumpkin, she is going to be alright. I have the best doctors a.s.signed for her and I won't let anyone know about this. Now calm down and eat something." Master Lu soothed her that only turned her cries into sobs.
"Daddy...She is a very nice person...Why is life so unfair with nice people?" Master Lu sighed and shook his head.
"Little Pumpkin, since when do you complain about fate? Whatever happens, happens for our own good. There will be goodness in this for her too."
Lu Xinyi sniffed, and pursed her lips, "What is good in her attempting suicide?! Daddy, she could be...dead."
Master Lu patted her head, "You will see, this is the course of life. Everything unfolds with time and there will be good at the end of the tunnel for her too."
Lu Xinyi fears blurred her fate.
It was heavy on the heart that her friend would try to kill herself. When Su Qing hadn't picked her call she was panning to go tomorrow but then just thought otherwise. If she wouldn't have gotten there on time, even thinking about it shuddered her soul.
Master Lu held her closer to him and patted her head tenderly and let out a painful sigh of resignation. He could shield his little Pumpkin from the world but he couldn't shield her from reality, pain or sorrow.
He should have made her stronger to face the cruel world instead of protecting her from it.
The heavy loud footsteps resonated in the hallways and Lu Xinyi looked from her father's embrace to see He Zheng running toward them with a man that looked familiar.
Both of them had their face morphed in worry and concern. He Zheng looked at the verge of tears. While the other man looked devastated, his body was stiff and face devoid of calm.
He Zheng ran to her but Master Lu pushed her behind him, recognising the two lads at once. His soft eyes that were on Lu Xinyi turned hard with animosity.
Lu Xinyi had filled him in about her 'friends' and the situation with them but still, it worried him. Lu Xinyi was a protected child and these people she was surrounded with nowadays had survived the upper society of vultures.
They were dangerous...
When she went on and on about her friends, blabbering, she had said her teenage genius friend was a free-lancer not an insolent boy who should be behind the bars! Then behind him was the infamous player of the family of man wh*res!
Why couldn't his daughter have friends from tea parties, some harmless silicon ladies?